Rengga Prakoso Nugroho
Publikasi Hasil Riset Dasar dan Riset Pengembangan
Kajian Tren dan Isu terhadap Pengembangan Learning Management System di Indonesia
Author: Nugroho, Rengga Prakoso
Year: 2023
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32501.35043
Universe Application Framework
Author: Nugroho, Rengga Prakoso and Ubaiddillah, Mohammad
Year: 2023-04
Pengembangan Learning Management System Dengan Pendekatan Gamifikasi Untuk Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Author: Nugroho, Rengga Prakoso and Soepriyanto, Yerry and Wedi, Agus
Year: 2023-12-19
Abstract: This research focuses on the development and testing of Learning Management System for Graphic and Visual Media Innovation ({LMS} {IMGV}) with gamification approach in the context of learning Graphic and Visual Media Innovation course in higher education. This course emphasizes the application of {STEM} in the development of 2D and 3D graphic media products through a project-based learning ({PjBL}) approach using the Blender application. Currently, learning management uses the Learning Management System ({LMS}) {SIPEJAR} and progress report card ({PRC}), however, the existence of both separately creates efficiency and effectiveness constraints. The research method used is Research and Development ({RnD}) by adopting the Web-Based Instructional Design model. In-depth background analysis involved understanding the learning flow, target users, and student needs in {PjBL}. Evaluation planning involved assessment instruments for student engagement, product acceptance, and material validity, as well as input from {IMGV} {LMS} users. The results of {LMS} product development received positive responses from both validators so that the media and materials are suitable for use in the learning process. Features and functions of {PRC} and {SIPEJAR} have been combined through the {LMS} gamification framework. Student responses were emotionally and behaviorally involved in the {LMS}, and user activity on the {LMS} also showed continuous access patterns throughout the lecture.
Author: Nugroho, Rengga and Kumara, Pradnya
Year: 2021-01-18
Abstract: Pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda dunia pada awal tahun 2020, dengan cepat mengubah tatanan kehidupan masyarakat, termasuk Indonesia. Dunia pendidikan terpaksa menggantikan pembelajaran tatap muka dengan pembelajaran online. Seluruh sekolah di Indonesia telah menindaklanjuti kebijakan pemerintah pusat dengan mengubah proses pembelajaran tatap muka (konvensional) menjadi pembelajaran online. Untuk itu diperlukan penilaian kualitas belajar siswa dengan dilakukannya sistem pembelajaran daring ini. Instrumen penilaian pembelajaran yang diedarkan menggunakan google-form kepada 77 siswa dengan 24 butir pertanyaan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari asesmen sederhana ini mendapatkan respons yang cukup baik dan memberikan gambaran bagaimana pengalaman siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran secara daring.
Aksara Jawa / Hanacaraka
Author: Nugroho, Rengga Prakoso
DOI: 10.34740/KAGGLE/DSV/3917804
Pameran Karya Teknologi Pendidikan {UM} 2023
Author: Nugroho, Rengga Prakoso and Mohammad Ubaiddillah
Year: 2024-02-09
DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.10639741
Abstract: Pameran Karya Teknologi Pendidikan 2023 is a web-based application created to facilitate the management of data on exhibitions of educational technology works organized by students of the Department of Educational Technology, State University of Malang. Our goal in making this application is to make it easier to introduce educational technology works made by students of the Department of Educational Technology, State University of Malang to the wider community through digital channels.
Analisis Sentimen Umpan Balik/Persepsi Pebelajar: Leveraging the use of Google {NLP} {API} for Educational Research and Evaluation
Author: Nugroho, Rengga Prakoso and Soepriyanto, Yerry and {State University of Malang} and {Teknologi Pendidikan ID}
Year: 2024-02-09
DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.10639895
Abstract: Analisis Sentimen terhadap survei proses pembelajaran mahasiswa
Author: {Rengga Prakoso Nugroho}
Year: 2022
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30258.27847
Acceptance Analysis of Learning Management System in Project-based Learning
Author: Nugroho, Rengga Prakoso and Nurhidayah, Siti and Soepriyanto, Yerry and Purnomo, Purnomo
Year: 2024-04-30
DOI: 10.37859/jf.v14i1.6859
Abstract: This research specifically aims to find out which factors significantly influence the acceptance of {LMS} developed by the learning team of the Graphic and Visual Media Innovation course at the State University of Malang. The course learning uses two management systems, namely {LMS} and Progress Report Card ({PRC}). Acceptance analysis is conducted because the {LMS} used is a product prototype that has just been implemented in the first semester student lectures. The research was conducted using the technology acceptance model framework. The analysis process uses a quantitative approach with hypothesis testing through multiple linear regression tests. There are two variables observed, namely usefulness (X1), ease of use (X2) and tendency to use (Y). From the analysis process that has been carried out, the results show that the two independent variables (X1 \& X2) simultaneously have a significant influence on the dependent variable (Y). However, there is a finding that ease of use (X2) does not significantly affect the usage tendency variable (Y). For further studies, it should be conducted with a more massive scope, not only focusing on one narrow context, using more variables and external factors, and focusing on the learner experience.